Monday, August 31, 2015

weeknight favourite - Basil & Lemon stuffed pasta shells

This is one of those dishes that packs a lot of wow factor but is really super simple (like all the good pasta dishes). I love the versatility of stuffed shells and the amazing things you can do with them for variety. Its possible i could eat them everyday. They are a usual around my house and i also adore that one box of these big shells can make at least a few freezer meals - and who doesn't love prep like that! 

Here it is - easy stuffed shells that will make you seem 'top chef' 

Basil & Lemon Stuffed Shells 
1 box of jumbo shells pasta
2 Packages of Ricotta Cheese
1 cup Parmesan cheese (i only had the cheap stuff on hand)
3 tbsp lemon pepper
1/4 cup lemon juice
dash of olive oil
lemon zest
salt & pepper to taste
1 LARGE bunch of fresh basil- you need fresh, its a necessity.. 

  • Add entire box of shells into boiling salted water and cook approx 6 min or al dente
  • While this is cooking simply mix all ingredients above, Ricotta, Parmesan, Lemon juice, zest and lemon pepper. Mix well and salt and pepper to taste. Mix in sliced basil leaves and taste again for salt and pepper. That's it- by now your shells should be good (always make the whole box, these babies tend to crack under pressure) cooking them till they are al dente is key- you want the pasta to still be strong enough to endure stuffing and baking (yes with cheese) 
  • Drain shells and arrange on a cookie sheet till cool enough to handle and to drain slightly 
  • Use a tablespoon to scoop mixture into each shell

White sauce
This is a simple base for any white sauce- i chose not to add garlic but its an easy additive - as is anything else you wish for this neutral base. I wanted it to be subtle as i wanted the flavours of the pasta to be prominent. 
you will need... 
1/4 Butter 
1/4 Flour 
1 cup Milk or cream (i used 2%) 
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup white wine (or not) 
dash of red chili flakes 

-Melt butter in sauce pan
-Add flour and whisk to make a roux 
-Stir in white wine and whisk till mixed
-Salt and pepper & red chili flakes to taste 

Once sauce is completed add a small amount to the bottom of the baking dish and arrange shells in whatever pretty order you like.. top with sauce and Parmesan and bake in oven at 350 for 20-30 min

TA DA! you will thank yourself for this one :) 

Monday, August 24, 2015

simple korean pork - 15 min meal success!

How did we ever live without Pinterest- I even stare strangely when i meet people that aren't aware of its brilliance- and want to ask them.. "are you living under a rock?" seriously. 
...Well I'm not and now you aren't either - like every other facet of my life, i source Pinterest for LOTS of great ideas! Especially cooking and meal planning! 

Today I'm doing something new and sharing a great little recipe i found on Pinterest.
Korean Beef, turned into Korean Pork. This 'Korean Beef' recipe is sourced from this great blog Six Sisters Stuff (which is just amaze balls for recipes) . You can find the original recipe there, as mentioned. I found it on Pinterest. I don't find it particularly 'korean' but it has that asian flavour i always crave! 

I am a sucker for anything Asian and if it can be made within 15 minutes is as good as gold. 
This recipe has all the makings for success. 
Limited and simple ingredients, easily adaptable and easy to make. In my house it was husband requested and toddler approved, I had seconds so its going in the vault! 
I did make a few alterations as i felt the original was lacking a little extra depth in flavour and i made mine with brown minute rice and pork, that's what i had on hand cause that's how i roll when my house gets HANGRY. 

1 lb of ground pork 
(i have used beef and its great too, i think chicken would work as swell) 
1/2 cup brown sugar 
1/2 cup soy sauce 
1 tbsp red chili flakes (dependant on your spice preference) 
1 tbsp fresh ground ginger 
2 tbsp olive oil (originally sesame oil, but i was out) 
2 tbsp vegetable oil 
3 cloves fresh garlic (minced)
4 green onions chopped to preference 
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce 
Cooked Rice 
(I used brown minute rice as it was quick) 

-Add oil to pan, allow to heat and add garlic till fragrant 
-While this is happening combine brown sugar, sesame oil (or olive), chili flakes and soy sauce in a small bowl and set aside  
-Brown meat (make sure it gets really crumbly) 
-Add sauce mixture to cooked meat, stir. 
-Add half of the diced onion and save the rest for garnish 
- Stir in Teriyaki sauce 
-Serve immediately over rice and garnish with onion and chili flakes and adorn with the sauces you love most, Siracha is this dish's very best friend. 


Sunday, August 23, 2015

15 really cool baby items ill be purchasing for baby #2

Its that time in my life when the 'when are you having another baby' chatter seems to be a regular occurrence. Well we are on it- FYI but it got me thinking.. 
I will feel so very blessed if we are able to create another healthy & happy new person- this time around it just feels different.. more relaxed, more knowledgeable and more prepared. I think i would make a lot of the same decisions in the purchases i made but the market changes and with these fun and creative new products on the scene i wanted to share my new favourites. For any first time moms-to-be, check these out too! 

This got me thinking- What would i do differently?...Well- LOTS (But that's another post) - so for now i gathered a list of 15 items that i would purchase for the NEXT baby- which will come when we are ready... 
From big to small.. a lot of these items are new and maybe some of them were around with my first but i didn't know about them and now having lived through it, I've learnt a lot and ill be packin' these items on my wish list for Baby #2! 

(if and when...)

Nursing is a world of its own - but you don't always want everyone around you invited! 
This nursing cover is amazing, its light weight & multi-purpose - AMAZING. It can be used for a fashionable scarf, car seat cover, shopping cart cover and of course nursing. Its a MUST-HAVE from the company 'Covered Goods' . I have tried my fair share of others but this one takes the cake! 

Covered Goods Nursing cover

Keeping with the nursing theme is this relatively new Buckwheat nursing pillow. 
The theory is the filling is more natural and provides more support for baby during nursing. Although heavy- i think they are great for the 'Busty Endowed' as its not overstuffed like so many nursing pillows. 
Something id be happy to try out as the first time around my original 'boppy' didn't quite cut it 

For the nursing momma- even getting dressed in the morning can be frustrating with having to make selections for 'nursing appropriate' wear.. 
Here in Canada- its cold. So add layers of clothing to the already difficult task of nursing and you get one frustrated, hot and leaky mom! 
This is genius. A hoodie that is made for nursing. As if that isn't already the dress-code of Canadian moms. I appreciate this one lifts up instead of pulls down or zips open so you still feel modest and can stay cozy. Its not ALL about baby... 

For all that effort of pumping or making bottles, heating them up is the other half of the work.. if i had known about this-oh lordy. how great! 
This On-The-Go Bottle Warmer is awesome for road trips, and seeing as we are living in the country and takes us awhile to get anywhere, i could always be prepared. It plugs into your vehicle and uses its battery-efficient and fantastic! 

This is on my 'wishlist' as it has a hefty price tag (for us) but is oh-so-great! and technically we already do have a (heavy) but very safe peg perego car seat but this one...drool...
The lightest infant car seat on the market is this Maxi-Cosi Mico AP Infant Car seat .
It has all the great safety features and is already light to be easy on your ever growing mom muscles. 
I will hope, and wish, and pray ... how sweet hu? 

This next one is a MUST-HAVE for all nurseries, we had a cool mist humidifier that was well loved but too large, cumbersome and on its way out. It definitely not as cute so this is one.
I may even grab one of these for my toddlers room. This cool mist humidifier helps babes breath and assists with the dry air here up north. How fun you can get it to match your decor as well. 

With baby #2 will come a lot less sitting and rocking so wearing baby would be most practical. 
I have heard wonderful things about this Baby Hawk Carrier and the cute patterns can't be beat. I think this is essential when you are balancing toddler hood and infancy.

I have learnt my fair share of the hazards and environmental impacts of disposable diapers and my husband and i feel like we are up to the challenge of cloth diapering the next time around. 
It seems like lots of work but healthier and more natural- after all that's the only choice they had for generations and it can't be THAT bad... also supporting a Canadian company sounds really nice. 
win win.

Boon Spoon? Hello- yes please. All boon stuff is cute and convenient. These tiny little gadgets are fill them with your own baby food and it serves as transport and feeding. I love this - its amazing the simple things that change in baby gear from year to year. And why didn't i think of this? Genius. 

2 words. Portable Bassinet. you had me at portable. 
This gadget is perfection. I love that you can easily move it around, it takes up way less space than a playpen and it can be easily transported around the house, vacation or camping too! It can be used for that first few months in your room and traveling too. Again a must for baby #2!

 I'm sure you have heard this of this one if you have ever googled anything baby.
The 4MOMS, MamaRoo is quite possibly the smartest baby swing ever. A dear friend bought hers on the spot when her crying baby was instantly lulled by its magic powers. 
It has So many options to customize the 'ride' for baby and you can play a play list you like by hooking up your i-device. Its modern design can't be beat - If only they had one for adults  :(
 First time i used this on my toddler i was seduced by its sweet orangecicle scent. 
It makes skin oh so soft and its not only a baby wash & shampoo, its for everyone in the house. And its actually a great time saver and works remarkably well. 
I wish i had learnt of this sooner, its now a safe stable in our home and with all the
 Johnson & Johnson controversy, I'm glad we have switched and i won't be going back 

Women love bags- that's no secret and its even more of a reason to choose the right diaper bag. 
I am NOT a backpack girl but if we are talking potentially about life with a running toddler and stationary baby, hands free is the only option. 
This bag is a bit of a hybrid, it can be worn either way and can be held well on the stroller too. I think its a great option- one i would have been happy to trade my 1st time around huge lululemon bag for this efficient and multi- use diaper bag 
New babies deserve new soothers. Purchasing smarter and wiser ill be trying these natural rubber soothers. Less toxins to worry about and i like the retro feel. As all moms know these babies get lost before they wear out so make sure to pair it with a cute pacifier clip. 
This product is something i also discovered recently past the infancy years. 
Baby socks that actually stay on! what a concept- you probably don't even believe its true. 
(As if there isn't anything as cute as a tiny little baby sock that could cuddle a chicken nugget) 
These little socks aren't cheap but I'm sure you could find a deal on amazon and if your loosing socks all the time and buying replacements, then maybe these cute little ones even out. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

DIY bird feeder - easy nature craft!

so.. you've been on pinterest, you know- SO many ideas for toddler crafts, so many fails.. well this one ain't that bad. 
Ive looked up all kinds of fun simple crafts for my and my little to do this summer and looking back, this one was a hit- we might even try it again! 

DIY bird feeder is a fun way to get your little involved and curious about nature. This would be a fun craft to try making out camping too! All you need is simple stuff i am sure you already have on hand. 

-1 paper roll
- Peanut Butter (or non-peanut butter if you have allergies) 
- granola, seeds, oats, birdseed..whatever you have on hand 
- plate to roll the seeds into the roll 
- string or ribbon to tie it to the tree

Simple & Fun (like all the good stuff) - my little loved watching the birds come around our new tree to have a tasty treat! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

toddler room inspiration

Toddler room inspiration is everywhere, the time has come for my baby to get a bigger and more appropriate 'big boy room' (que the lullaby music and the tears)... 
I have started to look for ideas and have decided against a 'theme'. There is just too many choices and making decisions is not my strong suit! This way the room can grow with him and we can change it as interest evolve. 
Also as much as it is HIS room, i still need to like it and live in it too - I'm still aa decorator at heart & so mommy approved is key here too- (I'm talking full advantage of his 'not caring' at this point in the game) 

I love the feel of the IKEA kids rooms, they are bright, fun and fresh, so that is what I'm going with. Without being too IKEA at all! My budget is low for this makeover so I'm going to have to get creative and be resourceful. (which is a challenge i find rewarding) 
No limitless showroom budget here! 

This is my jumping off point. I love the artwork of Eric Carle and his art is probably the biggest inspiration. Here is a sampling of some great ideas I've put together for a bit of a mood board. Other inspiration can be found here on my Pinterest

The main image is from 'handmade charlotte ' i love the half height bright paint although in not sure of the mountains-maybe just straight. 

Night table - I also have a 'lack' table from idea i could just paint a bright teal like in the image. 
Storage- Ill be working with a minty-aqua existing dresser so i think it blends in nicely. 
Extras- Im a sucker for shelving and these 'swing' looking shelves are so playful and fun- as are the balloon nightlight! 

No room is complete without some Chevron - so I'm sure ill sneak some of that in too! 

Stay tuned for a room reveal shortly!!! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Shake, Rattle & Roll Baby Shower

one of the things i love SOOO much is hosting, being a hostess- throwing parties and celebrating the big (and little) moments with friends and family. I love all the details and of course planning, crafting and eating too... 
one of my most favourite celebrations was for my dear friend and her expectant bundle of joy! 
Baby showers are so much fun- the air is filled with hope and anticipation and the community of women is there to support offering love and advice (which momma will soon learn to dismiss 70% of) its a right of passage and a great way to score favourite items and practical necessities. 

heres a peek into my 'SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL' baby shower details 

I created this fun wreath from crafting supplies, the roses on the bottom are baby socks! 
Mommy-to-be is a graphic designer so she created the 'Shake, Rattle & Roll' graphic framed prints above the mantle 
Teal, light yellow & white were the colors so i used these fun vintage mason jars in just the right hue to accent the flowers. 

Whats a party without a little bubbly! so i added some fresh fruit puree's to the champagne bar for a twist. 
mommy wanted some wishes for baby, so we had a small station where attendees filled out wishes on tags and self addressed envelopes for thank you cards! (time saver!!!)
homemade heart and raindrop garland was hung above my eating bar for some height, i always feel it adds a nice touch to have decor somewhere unexpected
A little outside table was decorated in the colours with the month 11, when baby was to be expected! 

This baby shower cake was amazeballs! its from 
The cake pops were similar in an accent design and are as delicious as they are beautiful. 
The food was a wonderful array of finger foods and i created a cute baby carriage fruit basket (without melon-request from mommy to be) out of a hollowed watermelon and decorated with oh-so-cute dingle-ball trim 
Basil Lemonade was a nice refreshment for preggos & kids! served with paper straws and accent colour flags. 

It all came together so well for a really fun day and wonderful memories were made! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

weekly meal planning - #2 'pin'able version

welcome to meal planning #2, still 'Pin'able  from my pinterest page and family friendly! 

i got great response to last weeks meal plan that i thought, in honour of monday- I'm grocery shopping this week i would add in my meal plan, (pretty and printable too!)

hope you enjoy this aswell, its similar but different and sure to gather the gang for yummy time together. 

Monday- Veggie noodle wraps in lettuce cups 
Tuesday- Sticky slow cooker ribs & tin-foil potato packet 
Wednesday- Homemade burgers & fresh coleslaw 
Thursday- Pork Fajitas with all the goods & homemade refried beans 
Friday- Pita Pizzas, made to order 
Saturday- BLT Salad & Garlic Bread 
Sunday- Spaghetti & Pork meatballs (made my momma) 

Enjoy- Happy Monday, may your week be fresh and fun! 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

..walk beside me...

Today I'm moved by words I found on Sage Creek Blog  about the power and unity that is womanhood. 

It's bigger than your clique, deeper than family ties and truer than blood. This unity of being a woman ties us together with our challenges and victories. It's is heartbreaking and honouring, full of life, love and grief.
I so often am reminded how truly alone our society makes us feel as working moms, single mothers, daughters, mothers, wives...we are expected to handle it all-smiling and looking slim. Truth is life is hard and we need each other in the peaks and the takes a village.. 

There is so much more to womanhood than diets, gossip and play dates. It's being there when the tough gets tougher as life guarantees it surely will. 
The last few weeks of my life have been really hard.. life always has and will continue to surprise us with its sorrow, constant change and beauty... 
I was moved by these words, and just felt like sharing-my heart is worried and my body is tired, and these words have rang so pure in my heart. Hopefully they will come to fruit and inspire the precious and unique bond of womanhood in your life. 

... thank you for being patient for the lapse in my blogging, it has been sparse but it has kept me sane in the wee hours and given me moments of relief.. stay tuned.. the best is yet to come.. 

image credit: sage creek blog

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

weekly meal planning- 'pin'able version

Call me crazy but one of my most favourite parts of handeling the household is meal planning, grocery shopping, prep and of course cooking.
Each week I enjoy sifting through pins and recipes to plan food for my family. This helps me all feel organized and it takes the guesswork out of dinner time.

My guys are fussy eaters, but that's real world so I don't always get to cook what I want but I make sure it's a balance of new things to broaden their horizons and old favourites. For my interest it keeps things new in the kitchen too

I have a wonderful planner that allows me to slot in my meals and so me, my planner and Pinterest sit down once a week, check the schedule and plan meals accordingly.
I've made this weeks pretty for you and because it makes it more fun, if you want to use this weeks meal planner go ahead! Print it out or 'Pin' it along with the grocery list and enjoy! 

My intention with this blog is to help make managing family life a little easier and enjoyable in this 'oh so busy' world. To offer tips and tricks to the average super mom that my family and I have found useful. Managing the day to day with littles is a serious learning curve so help yourself to a little meal planning ease and it will look cute on the fridge between sticky fingerprints and magnetic letters :)

Here's a little look at what's for meals this week in my house!

Monday - Tortellini & peas in olive oil topped with parmesan 
Tuesday - Bacon wrapped BBQ chicken & Cesar salad
Wednesday - Creamy Chicken Enchiladas (made with Tuesdays leftovers)
Thursday - Sausage & Veggie Jambalaya
Friday - Meatloaf (with secret veggies) & Mashed potatoes 
Saturday - Steak Sandwiches & fresh corn on the cob 
Sunday - Slow cooker Turkey Chili & homemade biscuits 

Heres the 'Pretty version' all recipes can be made from your favourites as they aren't too elaborate.
Each week i like to try something new so i will be trying to make homemade biscuits from 'Miss Kay's Duck Commander cookbook' (post coming soon) & this recipe from Pinterest for quick sausage jambalaya and substituting minute rice (minus the shrimp-my gang isn't a fan of the flavour)

Hope this helps inspire your week 'pin' your weekly meal plan here and enjoy another beautiful week!