Thursday, August 20, 2015

DIY bird feeder - easy nature craft!

so.. you've been on pinterest, you know- SO many ideas for toddler crafts, so many fails.. well this one ain't that bad. 
Ive looked up all kinds of fun simple crafts for my and my little to do this summer and looking back, this one was a hit- we might even try it again! 

DIY bird feeder is a fun way to get your little involved and curious about nature. This would be a fun craft to try making out camping too! All you need is simple stuff i am sure you already have on hand. 

-1 paper roll
- Peanut Butter (or non-peanut butter if you have allergies) 
- granola, seeds, oats, birdseed..whatever you have on hand 
- plate to roll the seeds into the roll 
- string or ribbon to tie it to the tree

Simple & Fun (like all the good stuff) - my little loved watching the birds come around our new tree to have a tasty treat! 

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